Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Musements

Alonosospeak :-)

Truly the Top Dawg

"....But the whole role-model-to-kids ­argument was a bogus mantra in the first instance. For one thing, kids don't care about or even comprehend their idols' sex lives, and for another, if you're so worried about the havoc ­Terry's shenanigans could wreak on impressionable minds, stop dredging up the details and printing them in simplified prose a child could ­understand, accompanied by massive photographs of his alleged ­mistress in her underwear."

Charlie Brooker comments on the apology frenzy!

Potentially very disturbing book. For the bane of mass production, vegetarian, meat or anything else, to go away, the voracious appetite of consumption must individual at a time.

He is bound to die if he watches a telugu potboiler, well majority of Indian movies for that matter :-)